I am aware that I am not the only person whose imagination was running wild after seeing Alexander McQueen’s Spring Summer 2010 collection. Whilst one designer was rolling around in the hay with his show at Paris Fashion Week, McQueen was rolling around in a Shakespearean wood.
The hair styles of the models were evocative of Bottom in A Midsummer Nights Dream whose head is transformed into that of a donkey by the mischievous Puck. Alexander McQueen adapted a sense of play in displaying his collection and challenged to consider the idea of looking beneath the shoulders of what could be the donkey’s head; to ensure focus on the collection itself rather than the beautiful woman wearing them. The brown and green colours were reminiscent of the woodland fairies in A Midsummer Nights Dream and the deep blues of the royal Titania, Queen of the fairies.
The sense of play on the catwalk rewards us with the notion that we can take what we see on the catwalk and play with it to make it individual to reflect our own stylistic imagination.
Ask anyone to give you one or two words they would associate with Amsterdam and it is highly likely that this person will say (something associated with) drugs or sex. I lived in Amsterdam as a student and these two lone associations with the city were frustrating. The position on living in Amsterdam to those mostly young who did not live there was that lifestyle would entail the drug or sex lifestyle they associated with the city. Certainly the tolerant approach of the Dutch toward drugs and sex is evident in the centre of the city, however there was plenty more to the city than this. Amsterdam offers other entertainment through its dynamic culture of the arts, entertainment and fashion.
Since 2004 fashion in Amsterdam has made its official mark with the creation of the biannual Amsterdam International Fashion Week which has placed the inspirational city on the fashion map. Subsequently it is clear that Amsterdam is recognized for more than just its tolerance of the sex culture. Yet what if both of these celebrated aspects of the city merged? How would one begin to combine the Red Light District with fashion?
HTNK a fashion consultancy and recruitment agency was invited by the City of Amsterdam to design a concept for a window area which it was renting out in the Red Light for the usage of the creative industry. A section of windows usually rented for the use of prostitutes to sell their services is now on loan to Dutch designers to present their creations for one year.
There is a diverse selection of fashion pieces being exhibited in the windows offering displays from couture to ready to wear street fashion. The distinguished designers displaying their pieces are undoubtedly appreciative of the space to advertise their work.
This merge of the fashion world with the sex world in the most famous Red Light District in the world (I swear I’m not biased) demonstrates the creative ways in which fashion can be showcased. As well as this the fashion world is opening its doors and windows to perhaps a new audience who did not previously feel part of it.
Particular individuals may think of the Red Light District as somewhat sleazy, but this use of window space in the area may give people the chance to think that there is more to it than a beautiful girl standing in a window waiting for someone to want her services.
Fashion Hot Mess offering best luck and support to Glasgow Fashion Week 2009 which announced this morning on its Twitter page that the event has been postponed this year due to its venue partner The Lighthouse going into administration.
We hope that some good fabulous samaritan gives The Lighthouse the financial support it needs and deserves to get the venue and Glasgow Fashion Week back on its feet.
My sister in law came to stay some time last year and she seemed somewhat distracted. She kept disappearing only to be eventually found lying on her bed reading a new book that she ‘could not put down’ – she had read it on her two hour journey as well but couldn’t hold human contact without her mind wandering and eventually herself to the book and opening it once again. She finished the book over the weekend she was staying and left it with me as a must start now must read. I started the book after she left, not entirely convinced and resigned myself to it being a ‘slow starter’. Fortunately it was and once I was a few chapters in, so my obsession began with the book, the concept, the passion, lust, vampires and Stephanie Meyer. I started with her first book “Twilight” and since beginning can’t put any of them down whether reading them for the first time or third time. The concept of the living dead is a craze that can’t be escaped in culture today; the Twilight series, True Blood and the recent death of Michael Jackson has welcomed a return of Thriller and his Zombie entourage in the music video. The living dead are now glamorised, oozing sex appeal and lust and a fascination with the mysterious and gothic.
Lady Gaga is one such disciple demonstrating the ripple effect vampire and blood and black through her outrageously funk original flamboyant style. If any recent image of her is aroused from memory, her attire for her performance of “Paparazzi” at the VMAs in September stands to mind. She salutes the celebration of this fascination with extreme fashion and even adapts gothic chic with her black lipstick which we have caught sight of on more than one occasion. It’s not only the music world dressing to the tune of vampire gothic style; the fashion world has gotten out of its bed and into its coffin to embrace the ripples of the living dead.
As the Spring 2010 collections were unveiled from New York to Milan some designers showcased with bright colours, a trend we anticipate for the season. On the other hand a risk was taken with a colour we would more regularly associate with winter. Rodarte and Dolce and Gabbana both applied black to their collections suggesting the fashion world’s approval of the new trend with lustful vampire and gothic sex combination. Fashionistas throw your head back and let the fangs of this new trend bite into you and ooze some gothic chic into your own style!